Reaching New Heights in JOY Women's Retreat
“Save the Date” for our 2025 Women’s Retreat. This year, we will be "Reaching New Heights” in JOY. Psalms 51:12 says “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”
April 4-6
Alpine, AZ
$150 plus cabin
Cabins can be booked by visiting https://alpinebuckboardcabins.com

Baptism Sunday April 20
Whether you've just said yes to Jesus, or it's been a while, if you haven't been baptized, it's not too late!
Text "mybaptism" to 833-526-1854 and "Take the Plunge" April 20.

Easter at Living Word Chapel
Easter is quickly approaching and we are so excited! We have JOY because lives are restored and hearts are healed with the resurrection of Jesus! You're invited to come join us for an exciting worship experience. This service will be filled with praise, worship and a timely message. Check below for info on what we have planned for your kids.
April 20
Oracle Campus
8:15am | 10:00am | 11:30am
Copper Corridor Campus
Food and Festivities:
Oracle Campus:
3941 W. Hwy 77
Oracle, AZ
Copper Corridor Campus:
402 Danbury Rd
Kearny, AZ